Rolling Pins

Oval Cutters for Bases
Set of oval stainless steel cutters in the most frequent dimensions used to create bases as well a..
8,87€ 9,85€ Imponibile: 7,27€
Rolling Pin 25 mm
Rolling Pin PlainPlain rolling pins capable of flattening putties, fimo and other sculpting clay..
9,22€ 10,25€ Imponibile: 7,56€
Rolling Pin ARABIC
Rolling Pin ARABICTextured Rolling Pins capable of pressing a continuous repeated pattern on clay ..
13,50€ 15,00€ Imponibile: 11,07€
Rolling Pin Arcane
Rolling Pin Templar ArcaneTextured Rolling Pins capable of pressing a continuous repeated patte..
13,50€ 15,00€ Imponibile: 11,07€
Rolling Pin Bricks
Rolling Pin Bricks Textured Rolling Pins capable of pressing a continuous repeated pattern on cla..
13,50€ 15,00€ Imponibile: 11,07€
Rolling Pin Dark Runes
Rolling Pin Dark RunesTextured Rolling Pins capable of pressing a continuous repeated pattern..
13,50€ 15,00€ Imponibile: 11,07€
Rolling Pin Double Diamond
Rolling Pin Double DiamondTextured Rolling Pins capable of pressing a continuous repeated pattern ..
13,50€ 15,00€ Imponibile: 11,07€
Rolling Pin DWARVEN
Rolling Pin DWARVENTextured Rolling Pins capable of pressing a continuous repeated pattern on clay..
13,50€ 15,00€ Imponibile: 11,07€
Rolling Pin EGYPTIAN
Rolling Pin EGYPTIANTextured Rolling Pins capable of pressing a continuous repeated pattern o..
13,50€ 15,00€ Imponibile: 11,07€
Rolling Pin ELDAR
Rullo ELDARRulli testurizzati per stendere e dare forma a qualsiasi tipo di stucco. argille e past..
13,50€ 15,00€ Imponibile: 11,07€
Rolling Pin ELVEN
Rolling Pin ELVENTextured Rolling Pins capable of pressing a continuous repeated pattern on clay ..
13,50€ 15,00€ Imponibile: 11,07€
Rolling Pin Factory Ground
Rolling Pin Factory GroundTextured Rolling Pins capable of pressing a continuous repeated pattern ..
13,50€ 15,00€ Imponibile: 11,07€
Rolling Pin FAR GALAXY
Rolling Pin FAR GALAXY Textured Rolling Pins capable of pressing a continuous repeated patte..
13,50€ 15,00€ Imponibile: 11,07€
Rolling Pin Flagstone
Rolling Pin Flagstone PavementTextured Rolling Pins capable of pressing a continuous repeated..
13,50€ 15,00€ Imponibile: 11,07€
Rolling Pin Frozen
Rolling Pin Frozen Textured Rolling Pins capable of pressing a continuous repeated pattern on..
13,50€ 15,00€ Imponibile: 11,07€